Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On The Mysterious World Of Our Emotions

Everyday I wake up and I asses my situation. My nose is stuffed up. My eyes feel puffy. I've drooled on my pillow and a fresh air of cat piss permeates the air in my bedroom. I sit up, determine whether or not it is masturbation time, and decide it is indeed. After I've accomplished this ritual of waking, I consider how I feel as the previous day's happenings rise into the bubble of consciousness. Sometimes it comes on slowly, like yesterday had been relatively uneventful by memory's standards. Sometimes it hits me hard like a sack of year-old cat shit and I gasp at the recollection of the awful day that passed.

I'm a sensitive person. Throughout my years my emotions have gotten me into trouble. Generally, emotions are harmless to persons outside your head but the past few years have proven that your feelings are really a double edged sword that others can and will defend against vehemently until one of you is dead. Dead emotionally, anyhow. In fact, I don't think the average person is equipped to handle another's feelings at all. It seems to me that unfamiliar sentiments tend to scare those with less emotional wherewithal. And we all know what fear leads to. Anger, hate, and the dark side.

This all baffles me. One of our most evolved traits as mammals is our advanced emotions. We shouldn't fear them, we should embrace them. A billion years of evolution has brought us to this point for a reason, damnit.

Retrospectively finding this entry retarded,

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